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Market Risk
[Quelle: Risk, Compliance & Audit 05/2012]
Autoren: Heike M. Schenk ist Masterstudentin im Studiengang "Internationales Management Asien" an der HTWG in Konstanz.
Dr. Andrea-Victoria Noelle ist Fellow der „stiftung neue verantwortung“ und leitet das Projekt "Global Economic Ethics". Zuvor hat sie für die Beiersdorf AG im Bereich Unternehmensstrategie und M&A gearbeitet.
[Quelle: RISIKO MANAGER 05/2012, S. 1, 6-16]
In this paper, we demonstrate that the derivation of the calibration parameters for the equity risk module with about 25%, on average, the most significant risk component of insurance companies’ total SCR is seriously flawed and gives rise to spurious and highly erratic parameters. As a consequence, an implementation of the Standard Formula with the currently proposed calibration settings is likely to produce inaccurate, erratic and biased capital requirements for equity-risk and, thus, to defeat the purpose of the EU’s Solvency II Directive.
[Mittnik, S., "Solvency II Calibrations: Where Curiosity Meets Spuriosity", Center for Quantitative Risk Analysis (CEQURA), Working Paper Number 04, 2011]
[Author: Attilio Meucci is head of research at Bloomberg ALPHA, Portfolio Analytics and Risk, in New York]
[Authors: Robert E. Hoyt, University of Georgia - C. Herman and Mary Virginia Terry College of Business / Andre P. Liebenberg, University of Mississippi - School of Business Administration]