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The invasion of Ukraine by Russian forces began on 24 February 2022. The Russian war against Ukraine has seen post Cold War hopes for a peaceful world order disappear almost overnight. But this war of aggression could be a turning point in history not just for the West but also for Russia itself. The background to the crisis is complex. For a long time now, the situation has been extremely fragile, as critical voices have repeatedly pointed out. At the 43rd Munich "Security Conference" back in 2007, the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, talked about the risks of NATO expansion to the east and a unipolar world. He called NATO's eastward expansion "a provocative factor that reduces the level of mutual trust". To get a better understanding of the key political and economic challenges brought about by the conflict and possible scenarios in a disordered world, we spoke to Emeritus Professor Dr. Günther Schmid, a renowned expert on international security policy.
Romeike 5963 Downloads13.05.2022
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An analysis for 2021/2022 on pandemic development in Germany and a model shift to North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) with variant B.1.1.529
Authors: Farhad Khakzad, Max Düren, Patrick Spitzer
khakzad 1727 Downloads21.12.2021
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Die Fragen, wo künftig im Arbeitprozess zwischen Robotern, Algorithmen und (teil-) automatisierten Prozessabläufen der Manager oder Mitarbeiter steht, was seine Aufgaben und Ziele sind und welche Kompetenzen er dafür braucht, sind als erstes zu beantworten. Dann sollten Ausbildung, Coaching, etc. vorhandene Gaps zwischen dem "neuen Soll" und dem (alten) Ist füllen helfen. [Autoren: Josef Scherer / Ann-Kathrin Birker]
Scherer 3152 Downloads21.04.2020
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Vortrag zur verzerrten Risikowahrnehmung: "Krisen, Kriege, Katastrophen & Disruption: Wie riskant ist die Welt wirklich?" von Prof. Dr. Werner Gleißner, Technische Universität Dresden [Oktober 2019]
Gleissner 7376 Downloads30.03.2020
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Die Corona-Krise zeigt, dass Staat und Unternehmen viel zu wenig auf Krisensituationen vorbereitet sind. Risiko- und Business Continuity Management, (persönlicher) Risikokoffer und die "Klaviatur" existenzsichernder Maßnahmen sollte sofort angegangen werden. Jeder verlorene Tag ist einer zuviel.
scherer 3769 Downloads13.03.2020
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Der jährlich stattfindende RiskNET Summit ist die wichtigste Konferenz der Risikomanager im deutschsprachigen Raum. Sein Credo: Fundierte Inhalte in Theorie und Praxis vermitteln, ein ganzheitlicher Blick auf die Risikolandkarte sowie genügend Freiraum für das Networking von Risiko-, Compliance- und Governance-Managern ermöglichen.
Romeike 3448 Downloads21.01.2020
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The annual RiskNET Summit is the most important conference for risk managers in the German-speaking world. Its credo: to convey well-founded contents in theory and practice, to provide a holistic view of the risk map as well as sufficient freedom for the networking of risk, compliance and governance managers.
Romeike 3512 Downloads21.01.2020
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In 1890, a company was founded in the USA that eventually developed into a leading brand. 80 years after its inception, the company had a market share of approximately 90% in its core field of business: film and photography. The company’s name is Kodak. Kodak was known for its top performance and the forward-looking view of its engineers. These engineers invented the digital camera in 1975. In spite of its long and successful company history, Kodak went bankrupt in 2012. The opportunities provided by the company’s breakthrough technology and its engineering prowess may not have been fully leveraged by the management. Kodak may provide a useful lesson and an incentive for leaders to manage and leverage disruptive technologies.
From today’s view, we believe that machine learning and deep learning are such disruptive technologies that should be leveraged. Advanced computing methods have become more and more popular alongside advances in the emergence of big data. In the finance and banking sector, increasing demand for more efficient approaches has been seen especially in the field of machine learning. The field was originally devoted to developing algorithms in artificial intelligence. In response to its significant advances, however, machine learning and its subfield of deep learning have emerged as breakthroughs with vast applications in a wide array of fields.
In our paper, we discuss the existing definitions as well as our thoughts on some of the applications of machine learning and deep learning. We will provide an insight into the significance of artificial intelligence in the banking industry, in particular and its response to big data market forces, with a focus on German Banks. To illustrate the breadth of the field’s significance, we will also address the automotive industry in Germany and its connection to machine learning technologies. To deepen our understanding of the subject, we will explain the mathematical background behind deep learning and its intersection with artificial neural networks. We will provide a brief look into the subject of Blockchain and its relevance to artificial intelligence. A second part of this paper will analyze the practical implications (use cases) of the technologies and their expected developments in the short and long term.
[Authors: Farhad Khakzad, Sangmeng Li, Pablo Arboleda]
farhad_khakzad 4476 Downloads15.02.2018
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This article aims to initiate a debate that has not taken place in monetary economics thus far. In order to finance and regulate global commons, we traditionally rely on a monetary monoculture. In spite of all the intellectual and mathematical scrutiny devoted to the topic, the debate ultimately boils down to austerity or stimulus, to regulatory and redistributive efforts. None of the official academic positions really address the nature of the monetary system itself and its negative impact on sustainability, and thus fail to provide an answer to the question of how to really finance our commons and our future. This is exemplified in the current debate on the so-called Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) endorsed by the UN in 2015. The present text aims to provide arguments for a parallel, optional, complementary green quantitative easing in order to overcome these constraints. This argument goes beyond regulatory efforts and co-financed redistribution. The advantages of implementing this or a similar mechanism are manifold: firstly, it can be implemented in a fast and targeted manner and is relatively cheap. Secondly, it would have an anticyclical, anti-inflationary and resilient impact on our trading and payment system. Thirdly, it builds on findings in systems theory, thus avoiding the tedious discussion between the different schools of economics. Fourthly, it addresses findings in the life sciences (neurobiology and clinical and social psychology) in order to provide a match for real human behavior (beyond the homo oeconomicus). Fifthly, it addresses the magnitude, volume and significance of the global challenges ahead. In short: The real tragedy of the commons is based on a new kind of thinking on how to design a monetary ecosystem to make the world a better place.
brunnhuber 3251 Downloads06.08.2017
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Eine "make or buy"-Analyse führt häufig zu einer Entscheidung für Auslagerung / Delegation von Aufgaben auf Externe. In der arbeitsteiligen, globalen und vernetzten Welt werden sehr viele Leistungen, wie Lieferung von Material, Erstellung von Komponenten, aber auch Erbringung von sonstigen Leistungen, ausgelagert.
Bei der Betrachtung des Verhältnisses von Auftraggebern zu (externen) Auftragnehmern unter Compliance-Gesichtspunkten besteht insbesondere bezüglich des Themas "Scheinselbstständigkeit" das Problem, dass diverse Rechtsgebiete (Arbeitsrecht/Organisationsrecht, Deliktsrecht und dergleichen mehr), aber auch Wissenschaftsdisziplinen (Recht, Betriebswirtschaftslehre, et cetera) sich scheinbar widersprechen oder beim Rechtsanwender inkorrekte Ansichten auslösen. So wird im Arbeits-, Steuer-, und Sozialversicherungsrecht sehr schnell von einer Arbeitnehmereigenschaft respektive von "Scheinselbstständigkeit" ausgegangen, wenn von "Aufsicht", "Weisungen" sowie von "Kontrolle" die Rede ist.
[Quelle: Sonderdruck aus Scherer / Fruth (Hrsg.): Integriertes Personal-Managementsystem mit Governance, Risk & Compliance, 2017]
scherer 4639 Downloads24.07.2017
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RiskNET Intensiv-Seminare

Die Intensiv-Seminare der RiskAcademy® konzentrieren sich auf Methoden und Instrumente für evolutionäre und revolutionäre Wege im Risikomanagement. Die Seminare sind modular aufgebaut und bauen inhaltlich aufeinander auf (Basis, Fortgeschrittene, Vertiefung).

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Neben unseren Intensiv-Seminaren und Webinaren, die im Rahmen der RiskAcademy angeboten werden, stellen wir Ihnen hier themen- und branchennahe Veranstaltungen vor.

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Rückblick RiskNET Summit 2022

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Interview mit Professor em. Dr. Günther Schmid

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Interview mit Profi-Bergsteiger David Göttler

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Interview mit Dr. Alexander Fink (ScMI)

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Interview mit Oberstleutnant Thorsten Kodalle (Führungsakademie der Bundeswehr)

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Rückblick und Impressionen RiskNET Summit 2021

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Interview mit Tom Theisejans, IT-Notfallbeauftragter, Deutsche Bahn Konzern

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Interview mit Prof. Schmid: Globaler Ordnungsanspruch, made in China

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Interview mit Dr. Christian Glaser: Wirecard & Co.: Warum sich große Betrugsfälle immer wieder ereignen

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Interview mit Prof. Dr. Michael Huth zu Risiken in der Supply Chain

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Rückblick und Impressionen RiskNET Summit 2020

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Interview mit Prof. Dr. Jürgen Döllner, Hasso-Plattner-Institut (HPI), Universität Potsdam

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Interview mit Prof. Dr. Günther Schmid, vormals Bundesnachrichtendienst

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Dialog zwischen Harald Philipp, Mountainbike Abenteurer und Frank Romeike, Gründer des Kompetenzportals RiskNET

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Interview mit Tamara Lunger über die Gratwanderung auf den höchsten Bergen der Welt

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