FMEA: AIAG-VDA standard
Probability of detection must get out of heads
Covid, Cyber, Compliance and ESG
Top risk concerns for financial services sector
Perverse instantiation and reward hacking
Midas GPT: "Ethical guardian" for AI users
Tales such as that of King Midas – whose desire to turn everything into gold ultimately proved fatal – reflect a central dilemma that is becoming significantly more important in the age of advancing…
Failure mode and effects analysis
The P-Diagram, a supporting tool, or the complete confusion?
IDW PS 340: Audit of the early risk detection…
From a quantitative change of course to a view of opportunities
A perfect risk world - or not?
Of simple stories and big risks
People love stories and simple truths. The "halo effect" has already been extensively researched in the field of behavioural economics. In everyday business life in particular, this effect ensures…
Climate-related risks overshadow all other risks
Risks landscape 2020 is green
Understanding decision-making in risk workshops
Risk Management and Calculative Cultures
Analyzing risks in organizations often requires the collaboration of many individuals that can provide relevant insights regarding these risks. Risk workshops provide a structured process for such…