

45th World Economic Forum

A "Dangerous Mistake" to Ignore Uncertainty

Today’s global context is one of uncertainty, said Simonetta Sommaruga, President of the Swiss Confederation and Minister of Justice and Police. Uncertainty is prevalent in current conflicts and…

RiskNET [Editor-in-chief]

Lower losses from weather extremes and earthquakes

Review of natural catastrophes in 2014

The absence of very severe catastrophes and a quiet hurricane season in the North Atlantic meant that losses from natural catastrophes in 2014 were much lower. At US$ 7bn, the most expensive…

Redaktion RiskNET

The Canadian Property Market

A holistic approach to real estate risk management

Unprecedented low interest rates, booming asset prices and the ever increasing challenge to remain profitable have led financial institutions in many parts of the world, and in Canada in particular,…

Risk Academy

The seminars of the RiskAcademy® focus on methods and instruments for evolutionary and revolutionary ways in risk management.

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