

Creditreform Economic Briefs 

Polycrisis drags on growth recovery

In the following you will find the key take aways from the actual Economic Briefs, published by Creditreform:

  1. We expect the euro area GDP growth to decelerate to 0.5% this year, corresponding…
Editorial team RiskNET

Financial stability in the Corona crisis

Actual solvency of banks concealed   

Easing the burden on banks in the Corona crisis so that the economy remains liquid is the declared goal that the European Central Bank (ECB), as the central supervisor in the Single Supervisory…

Editorial team RiskNET

Country risk

Global sector risks in precarious balance

At the end of 2016, global sector trends remained mixed, including in the regions that until now have been relatively spared by the increase in risks. Over the whole year, across 12 sectors…

RiskNET [Editor-in-chief]

RiskMap 2017

A Year of Acute Uncertainty

The central theme of the RiskMap 2017 is the challenge to globalisation and free trade and how businesses can adapt and thrive in these changing times. Donald Trump’s triumph in the United States…

RiskNET [Editor-in-chief]

Steen's Chronicle

The policymakers comical Ali strategy

I am writing this chronicle from South Africa which is almost as far away from Europe and the constant and never ending Brexit talk as you can come. It's hard even here to avoid the turbulence…

Steen Jakobsen [Saxo Bank]

World economy facing "Japanese-style" growth trap

World corporate risk reaches peak levels

Since the international growth scenario announced by Coface last March, prospects have deteriorated slightly, and growth would appear to remain below 3% in 2016 for the 6th consecutive year.…

RiskNET [Editor-in-chief]

Global Economic Overview

Soft Landing Amidst Global Challenges

As 2024 unfolds, the global economy remains caught between fragile recovery and looming uncertainties. Central banks worldwide have been maneuvering carefully, trying to achieve a "soft landing" – a…

Editorial team RiskNET

Global Risk Map 2016

Geo-political instability causing disruption

The risk landscape for businesses is substantially changing in 2016. While businesses are less concerned about the impact of traditional industrial risks such as natural catastrophes or fire,…

RiskNET [Editor-in-chief]

RMB Index

China has sent the Yellen Fed another strong message

On Friday, China’s central bank, the PBOC, posted a brief note on its website to indicate that it would publish a new and broad measure of the renminbi exchange rate, which it dubbed the "RMB…

John J. Hardy [Saxo Bank]

From Denmark to China

Currency pegs around the world in focus

After  the  January 15 currency earthquake, when the Swiss National Bank suddenly walked away from the franc ceiling, currency pegs around the world have come into focus. In Europe, the effort…

John J. Hardy

Outlook 2015

Recovery with risks attached

After a surprisingly good start to 2014, the German economy cooled noticeably in the course of the year. This was mainly due to the slowing of growth in key export markets and higher…

Environment, Social and (Corporate) Governance

Simulation methods for quantifying ESG risks

ESG risks and opportunities are highly relevant as causes and drivers for positive or negative scenarios with a significant impact on a company's reputation or intangible assets. The following article…

Editorial team RiskNET
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