

Cyber Resilience and Risk Management

Rising Threats and Ransomware Concerns

The Arctic Wolf Security Report 2024 provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of cybersecurity, emphasizing the persistent threat of ransomware, the rise of business email…

Editorial team RiskNET

Nonstandard Errors

Big Differences in Financial Research Results

An actual study investigates the concept of nonstandard errors (NSEs) in empirical finance, emphasizing the variability in research outcomes due to different analytical paths taken by…

Editorial team RiskNET

Study on "Mental Models of the Stock Market"

Investors' Misunderstanding of Market Equilibrium

An actual study on "Mental Models of the Stock Market" investigates the mental models of investors and their impact on stock return expectations. Simply put, a mental model is a representation of…

Editorial team RiskNET

Global Insurance Report

The future of the insurance industry: innovations and global challenges

According to the Allianz Global Insurance report, the global insurance industry grew by an estimated 7.5% in 2023, clocking the fastest growth since 2006, the year before the GFC. In all,…

Editorial team RiskNET

Cyber Security Trends 2023

Encryption, data exfiltration and Distributed Denial of Service attacks

Following two years of high but stable loss activity, 2023 has seen a worrying resurgence in ransomware and extortion claims as the cyber threat landscape continues to evolve, Allianz Commercial…

Editorial team RiskNET

Creditreform Economic Briefs 

Polycrisis drags on growth recovery

In the following you will find the key take aways from the actual Economic Briefs, published by Creditreform:

  1. We expect the euro area GDP growth to decelerate to 0.5% this year, corresponding…
Editorial team RiskNET

Global Economic Overview

Soft Landing Amidst Global Challenges

As 2024 unfolds, the global economy remains caught between fragile recovery and looming uncertainties. Central banks worldwide have been maneuvering carefully, trying to achieve a "soft landing" – a…

Editorial team RiskNET

Third-party risk management

Geopolitical challenges and ongoing inflationary concerns

Deloitte Global's 2023 third-party risk management (TPRM) survey explores the growing complexity of TPRM as dependence on third-parties continues to grow. The report offers insights into how…

Editorial team RiskNET

Cybersecurity resilience emerges as top priority 

Cultivating a security culture 

Cybersecurity resilience is a top priority for companies as they look to defend against a rapidly evolving threat landscape, according to the latest edition of Cisco's annual Security Outcomes…

Editorial team RiskNET

Climate change becomes the number one risk

Future Risk Report describes an overheated world

The AXA Group, a worldwide leader in insurance and asset management, today released the ninth edition of its Future Risks Report. This global survey measures and ranks the evolution of…

Editorial team RiskNET

Covid, Cyber, Compliance and ESG 

Top risk concerns for financial services sector

Financial institutions and their directors have to navigate a rapidly changing world, marked by new and emerging risks driven by cyber exposures based on the sector’s reliance on technology, a…

Editorial team RiskNET

Risk map 2021

Covid-19 trio tops global business risks

A trio of Covid-19 related risks heads up the 10th Allianz Risk Barometer 2021, reflecting potential disruption and loss scenarios companies are facing in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.…

Editorial team RiskNET

Climate-related risks overshadow all other risks

Risks landscape 2020 is green

This year's risks landscape is green. The urgency of climate change dominates everything: all five of the top risks by likelihood and three by impact are climate related. The backdrop of…

RiskNET [Editor-in-chief]

Top global business risks

Cyber top peril for companies globally for the first time

For the first time ever, Cyber incidents (39% of responses) ranks as the most important business risk globally in the ninth Allianz Risk Barometer 2020, relegating perennial top peril Business…

RiskNET [Editor-in-chief]

Evolution of the biodiversity loss risk

Nature Risks on the Rise

Although the world's 7.6 billion people represent only 0.01% of all living things by weight, humanity has already caused the loss of 83% of all wild mammals and half of all plants. The current…

RiskNET [Editor-in-chief]

Global Cyber Risk Perception Survey

Challenges for Managing Cybersecurity Risk

Technology is dramatically transforming the global business environment, with continual advances in areas ranging from artificial intelligence to the Internet of Things (IoT), to data…

RiskNET [Editor-in-chief]

Interdisciplinary study

A Positive Assessment for Reforms of Financial Market Regulation

The regulatory measures following the financial crisis have made credit institutions and the German banking sector, in general, more stable. This is a result of a study by the LOEWE Centre SAFE…

RiskNET [Editor-in-chief]

Annual Risk Report

Top 10 Supply Chain Risks for 2019

Supply chain risk management company Resilience360 has released its first annual Risk Report, which outlines the Top 10 Supply Chain Risks for 2019 – a summary of threats that deserve particular…

RiskNET [Editor-in-chief]

Natural disasters and man-made catastrophes

Global insured losses from disaster events in 2017 were the highest ever

Total global economic losses from natural and man-made disasters in 2017 were USD 337 billion, almost double the losses in 2016 and the second highest on record, the latest sigma study from the…

RiskNET [Editor-in-chief]

Study on compliance

Compliance – Focal points in SMEs

Compliance in SMEs has been a long-running issue in the media for years. Despite this, not all SMEs have adequate compliance structures in place yet. This is shown by the recent study "Compliance…

RiskNET [Editor-in-chief]

Phases of corporate distress

Three indicators can reveal the risk of insolvency

In most European countries, the number of corporate insolvencies has risen slightly since 2018 after several years of steadily declining or staying low. It is still not clear whether this shift…

Ana Boata | Kai Gerdes [Euler Hermes]
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